Troubled Souls

            There was definitely some sort of ghost or spirit in the room with me last night. I was lying asleep when I heard some tapping or scraping at the window. It was different than the sound the branches normally make against the glass. It sounded like a cutting tool or something passing through the glass. I felt like running and grabbing a baseball bat or an axe, but I was too scared to move. My only protection was to chuck a pillow at the window, but fear prevented me from even that. I lay there completely immobile and terrified with a pillow over my head.

Suddenly I heard a voice in the room. What ever it was had come through the window and was now in the room speaking to me. I now had to move, had to take action, scare it away. I tried to get up but I felt two strong hands pushing the pillow hard against my face. The voice continued to speak but I couldn’t make out a single word. The deep voice was very low and airy. I continued to struggle but the force holding me down was far too great. My heart was pounding and I wanted to cry out but I couldn’t even activate my vocal chords. It was absolutely terrifying. After an indefinite amount of time, the pressure on the pillow let up and I could feel the presence move away. However, it did not go back the way it had come. It moved to my right, towards my bedroom door, into the house. 

I cannot really explain this phenomenon. Sure, being asleep and dreaming is an option but I am sure the initial sound on the glass woke me up. I suppose troubled old spirits cannot pass through objects without making physical noise. Clean spirits can move around undetected. Which raises the argument: why do we not hear spirit noises all the time? Well, if you were a spirit, and you realized that gravity doesn’t affect you, you don’t need oxygen, you don’t respond to heat or cold or even solid matter, would you bother with Earth at all? Sure at first. Visit your friends and families and loved ones and enemies. Try in vain to give them signs or advice or get noticed at all. One look up to the stars and I’m sure a spirit would just… go. To the farthest reaches.

For an immortal soul, the best thing to keep you occupied is an infinite universe. Who knows how fast souls travel? I’m sure they can just will themselves to any destination as long as they have foreknowledge or an even an idea of the desired location. In the vastness of the universe, there are no definitive destinations. There’s a star up ahead. Travel towards it. Once reached, the possibilities are again endless in every direction. At some point, return to your tiny little Earth would be novel, just to witness the changes and progress and disasters and new species. Then it might be more interesting to go and witness the formation of a nebula or the creation of a black hole on the other side of the galaxy. We should be so lucky.

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